Are Online Psychic Readings Fake?

Are you interested in having your future read by a psychic? A psychic reading can be best described as an attempt to perceive information via a medium’s heightened discernment abilities, as well as the incorporation of the essential human senses of sound, sight, taste, instinct, and touch. Simply put, psychic reading is a modern illustration of the practice of divination, a process wherein gaining knowledge of what the future looks like is done through supernatural means., It’s 2019 but still, thousands of people reach out to psychics to look for guidance with their love life, relationships, money, career, and other several problems they are facing. In this post, we will be discussing whether online psychic reading is fake or not. We will try to talk about this topic with an open mind and see if psychic reading online is for you. Keep on reading if you want to know more., How Online Psychic Reading Works, It is essential that you know how online psychic reading works before we proceed. The online psychic reading is greatly dependent on the medium that taps into a specific source. To make this a lot simpler, this information does not come from the medium, but instead, through them. This would also mean that you need an open mind, in terms of receiving information that you need, instead of what you want., Having a particular goal when you approach a psychic wouldn’t work. Naturally, it is the other way around, in which you may want to know about something more specific towards the end of the reading session. Many of these online psychics are going to ask you questions. However, if you target having a specific question answered by a yes or a no, then, you might get disappointed., If you have been presented an opportunity to ask questions, then you might want to keep it open-minded. This would be the best way to get the chance to hear the most significant reading that may potentially help you get the answers you want. In addition, you need to allow your psychic to direct the interaction. You also need to listen very carefully to what they are telling you, as these answers may seem irrelevant when you hear them., However, things would get clearer towards the end of your online psychic reading session. You would know that it is successful when you perceive clarity about things with uncertainty when you will now be able to decide once the psychic provided you with missing information, when you obtain the motivation you are looking for, and when you find out your next steps, if you are clueless., Interestingly, the psychic services industry has been thriving in recent years, research says. In 2015, this USD 1.9 billion-revenue industry comprises of mediumship, astrology, numerology, and palmistry, among others., How to Know Whether Online Psychic Reading Is Fake, It is very common that for every genuine psychic, there could be a dozen others that are not. The good news about this, however, is that you can easily spot if the psychic is a fake or not. Here are some of the tips to know whether you are being scammed or if the online psychic reader is the real deal. Recently, The Guardian reported about a psychic, arrested for fortune-telling fraud. With this, you should be more aware of how scams like these work to be able to avoid them., First off, you don’t need to volunteer excessive information. A genuine psychic should be able to lead the session and would only ask questions to confirm or validate the impressions that they should be receiving. Ensure that you do not volunteer information that they don’t need. An authentic online psychic would likely find it disruptive while a fake one would love it, as it is their means to fish for more information., Another indication that your chosen online psychic may be a fraud is when they ask extremely vague and general questions, hoping you will give out information that they can advantageously use. If the psychic spends his or her time asking you questions without providing you any single reading, then it would be safe to say that they have no idea what they’re doing. It would also be very unlikely that they have the skills to contact a source for guidance., It is also perfectly normal for a psychic reading to trigger something of an emotional response from you, leading you to think that this reading is meant specifically for you. However, there may also be times when your psychic wouldn’t be able to communicate effectively to you. A genuine psychic would then offer to end the session, without charging you. Meanwhile, a fraud would likely spend most of their time blundering the reading, in the hopes of making a few quick dollars., Helpful Tips in Choosing a Legitimate and Trustworthy Online Psychic, Before you sign up for a psychic reading service, make sure that you have read and browsed through the psychic’s credentials. It would also be in your advantage if you read through the reviews and testimonials, specifically from their previous customers. You should also keep in mind that it is very rare to find an online psychic that has 100% positive reviews and recommendations. You should also keep an open mind that some people just can’t be pleased and would just be dissatisfied no matter what service is done for them. On the other hand, if you find an online psychic that has substantial negative ratings, then it’s a pretty clear indication that you may need to steer clear of that psychic., You may also opt to speak to your chosen psychic beforehand. This way, you would feel for them, a way for you to manage your expectations. However, if you find yourself uncomfortable, then you may choose another psychic to do your reading for you., Once you are in the session and it seems like the reading doesn’t feel right, you have every right to terminate the session. After all, no legitimate psychic is going to predict when and how you are going to die, foretell some tragedy, or provide you with the winning lottery digits.