Residents will have a say in Cranbury’s master plan

Residents in Cranbury will have a chance to have input on the township master plan at a public meeting that is scheduled for April 25.

The Master Plan Re-Examination Subcommittee will review the Cranbury Township’s mater plan with residents at the public meeting that will start at 7 p.m.

The April 25 meeting will take place in the Community Large Group Room, which is located behind Town Hall on 23 N. Main St.

“The last township re-examination was in 2010. This re-exam is more of a simple re-exam. The last time we looked at the township plan, we really went through what business purposes were suitable for the Route 130,” Cranbury Mayor James Taylor said. “We did a really detailed exam then. This time it is just to bring everything current and up to date.”

He said for example, at the meeting the subcommittee will be discussing the sign ordinances in Cranbury, looking at distribution centers versus warehousing, and fulfillment centers verse warehousing, because of resident impact from the unanticipated consequences of fulfillment centers opening up.

According to, a fulfillment center is a location where a third-party provider fulfills customer orders for ecommerce retailers.

“This really the residents chance to come in an have a say in what the master plan will look like in the next 10 years,” Taylor said. “We will be forming sub groups with the residents who attend and pose questions about the development of the master plan to them and have them respond back. We will also have them raise key issues or concerns. This is really their time to have their say.”

He said after the meeting the subcommittee will take advantage of the comments provided by residents and discuss amongst themselves at a following meeting.

“Based on what the consensus is among the subcommittee we will take those considerations and adopt them in our master plan or other courses,” Taylor said.

Officials said it is very important that residents who have any comments or suggestions about the master plan attend the meeting and voice those comments.

“If they do not come out to this meeting it is going to be hard to share their opinion in a meaningful way for consideration in the master plan. There will always be public comment, but this is meeting is where resents can have an effect on the master plan,” Taylor said.

He said the subcommittee meeting in May will be when the comments are discussed among the committee.

“I feel very confident about our master plan,” Taylor said. “More than 90% of what we looked to do in 2010 has been implemented and enacted. We hit on some many areas, from land preservation, to making the downtown more business friendly, to bringing in new ratables and minimizing traffic impact. We were able to address most of the issues we had in 2010.”

The Master Plan Re-Examination Subcommittee was established by the Cranbury Township Planning Board.