Linwood student excels in sports, smarts, music, martial arts

NORTH BRUNSWICK – The North Brunswick Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Services presents a Scholar/Athlete/Artist Award each month to North Brunswick students, encouraging excellence in academics, arts and athletics.

Michael Alvarez has been selected as the recipient for April.

Michael is a distinguished High Honor Roll student in the eighth grade at Linwood Middle School, according to the proclamation read during the April 15 Township Council meeting. He was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society as a seventh grader and currently serves as the secretary for the Executive Board.

Michael has been a member of the Linwood cross-country team for three years and helped his team go undefeated last year. He was also instrumental in helping his team earn second place in the Greater Middlesex County Championships. He placed 10th overall and was voted a top seventh and eighth grade runner by his coaches, according to the proclamation.

He is a member of the Linwood wrestling team, wrestling in the 90-pound weight class. The wrestling team has been undefeated for the past two years and the squad also won the GMC title, according to the proclamation.

Michael has been a member of the Linwood band for three years and is also part of the jazz band and wind ensemble.

He is an active member of the Saint George Greek Orthodox Youth Association (GOYA), where he is a member of the track team and will compete in their Junior Olympics at Monmouth University in May.

He studied martial arts at Satori Academy since age five and is currently an advanced red belt.

Michael has played for the North Brunswick Baseball and Softball Association for seven years. A favorite memory of his was winning the championship as a member of the AAA Mets team, according to the proclamation.

Michael has volunteered and completed several charity races, including the Purple for Pappas 5K, where he placed second in his age group; the Embrace Kids Foundation Heel to Heal Walk; and the Spring Lake 5.

He is a graduate of Arthur Judd Elementary School where he frequently volunteers and helps with the chorus concerts as an usher, according to the proclamation.