Ceclilan Music Club presents showcase

The Cecilian Music Club recently presented its sixth annual Candlelight Music Showcase, a revival of a colonial club tradition.

The showcase featured students of club members, as well as guest artist Vsevolod Zavidov, a 13-year-old pianist from Russia and the first prize winner of the Debut International Competition. Repertoire included works from Beethoven, Debussy, Chopin, Bartok and Rachmaninoff, according to a press release.

The students performing piano solos were Larisa Avetisyan, Ava Deady, Noah Duguma, Nicholas French, Emily Gangi, Emily Gizersky, Jared Gizersky, Julie Jiang, Beatrice Karron, Athena Liu, James Manganaro, Aria Mendoza, Averie Mendoza, Daniella Perveev, Mariel Reucroft,Vicki Sterling, John Szumowski and Liam Umbs.

Skye Pacis performed a harp solo.

The teachers who prepared students for the recital were George Borisov, Jennifer Brush, Bernice Cooperman, Violeta Kundrotiene, Marjorie Mollenauer, Marina Strakovsky and Yining Wang.

The Cecilian Music Club, founded in 1883, is an organization of teachers, performers and music lovers dedicated to the study and performance of classical music. For more information, or to become a member, visit www.cecilianclub.org