East Brunswick to celebrate Tree City U.S.A. designation with Arbor Day event

EAST BRUNSWICK – East Brunswick has been named a national Tree City U.S.A. for the 41st year.

“The Tree City U.S.A. honor comes from The National Arbor Day Foundation, a nonprofit education organization dedicated to tree planting and environmental stewardship,” Michael Reissner, director of Recreation & Parks for East Brunswick, said in a statement provided by the township.

Communities entering the nationwide program receive the Tree City U.S.A. designation upon recommendation by state foresters, who co-sponsor the program, according to the statement. Communities qualify which meet the following standards: a city tree ordinance, a legal tree governing body, a comprehensive urban forestry program and observance of Arbor Day.

Tree City U.S.A. communities receive a flag with the program’s logo and a walnut-mounted plaque. Winners also receive Tree City U.S.A. community signs. Maple leaf stickers will indicate additional qualifying years.

The recognition materials will be presented to Mayor Brad Cohen at 1:30 p.m. on May 1 at Bowne Munro Elementary School, 121 Main St., East Brunswick.

Students and faculty will provide entertainment involving a variety of songs and poems. A poster contest with a chosen winner from each grade will take place.

Approximately 300 seedlings will be distributed along with planting instructions, donated by Stop and Shop East Brunswick.

The East Brunswick Woman’s Club will donate a tulip poplar tree to be planted at the school as well.

The day will be designated as the Township of East Brunswick’s Arbor Day by proclamation of Mayor Cohen, according to the statement.

“A community’s tree planning program is a living memorial to the citizens’ concern for the quality of life. The trees we plant and care for today will cool our cities, fight pollution, conserve energy, and give wildlife a home for years to come,” John Rosenow, National Arbor Day Foundation executive director, said in the statement.

“An effective community forestry program is an ongoing process of renewal and improvement—a program of tree planning and care that continues through the years,” Rosenow said in the statement.  “The Tree City U.S.A. award is an excellent indication that there is a solid foundation for that process of improvement.”