Municipal alliance golf outing scheduled for May 20

The Freehold Municipal Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention will host its annual golf outing on May 20 at the Battleground Country Club, Manalapan.

Organizers said the golf outing is a major fundraiser the alliance. The alliance funds programs aimed at preventing and combating substance abuse, with an emphasis on assisting youths.

The May 20 event will include lunch, an 18–hole scramble, dinner, awards and raffles.

The keynote speaker will be former New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey, who will talk about a program he developed that provides services for individuals who are leaving prison and re-entering society.

“Over the past 21 years the golf outing has become a Freehold tradition. I know it will once again be a wonderful day,” said Jeff Friedman, the alliance co-chairman. “As the alliance’s major fundraiser, sponsorship support provides much needed funding that allows the alliance to offer programs within our community about issues surrounding substance abuse.”

The golf outing is named in honor of Ray Kershaw, a former member of the Township Committee in Freehold Township who served as vice chairman of the alliance prior to his passing in 2009.

Sponsors for the golf outing are being sought. Sponsorships range from the Mayor’s Event sponsor to tee sponsors. Golfers are invited to sign up. An individual who is not a golfer, but who would like to support the outing, may purchase tickets to the dinner.

To sign up for the golf outing or to become a sponsor, contact Antoinette Ceciarelli at 732-294-5103 or email [email protected]