Hidden Gardens of Hopewell to be showcased this spring

The popular tour “Hidden Gardens of Hopewell” is on schedule to return in late spring.

The program is a self-guided tour through seven gardens in Hopewell.

“Seven unique and contrasting Hopewell Borough gardens are featured this year, including the elegant grounds of the Ralston House (“the Castle”) and the intimate “Buddha’s Garden of Second Chances” on the neighboring Castle Lane property,” said Anne Zeman, Director of the Hopewell Public Library.

On June 1, from 10 a.m. through 3 p.m.,  the Hopewell Public Library will be selling tickets for $25 on the day of the event, according to officials. The library is located at 13 East Broad. St. The library will also be selling tickets in advance of the event for $20, officials said.

“When you pick up your ticket there is a map on the back of it that shows you exactly where the homes are with the gardens. This is definitely a self-guided tour,” she said. “You have a map and the addresses and you get to go at your own leisure.”

The self-guided tour highlights some of Hopewell Borough’s most unique gardens, showcasing a variety of garden types and plants from eclectic to formal. The tour will be held rain or shine, according to library officials.

“In the past, we used to do house tours. We did those tours for many years and then we decided gardens might be a fun thing to do as well. We did so well with this garden tour two years ago, we decided to do it again,” Zeman said.

She said this tour is great way for those who garden to get great ideas from others.

“There are gardens here that are normal everyday lovely gardens and that people may get an idea to use at their own home as well. The Borough is pretty small it is easy to do seven gardens really quickly,” Zeman said. “When people pick up their ticket they start from the library and they can decide what order and how long the tour is.”

According to officials, the Garden Tour ticket proceeds will go to the Friends of the Hopewell Public Library, a non-profit organization that serves as the fundraising and advocacy group for the Hopewell Public Library.

“More than 90% of the funding for library materials and wifi access at the library are provided by donations to the Friends of Hopewell Public Library,” said Carolyn Bailey, secretary of the Friends of Hopewell Public Library.

For more information, contact [email protected] or call the library at 609-466-1625.