The screening of ‘Angst’ raises awareness about anxiety

Community officials and organizations in Hillsborough are raising awareness about anxiety and other mental health disorders through a documentary film.

The film is titled “Angst,” which is an IndieFlix original documentary designed to raise awareness around anxiety.

The screening will take place on May 9 at Hillsborough Township’s municipal building, which is located at 379 South Branch Road. The screening will run from 7 p.m until 8:30 p.m.

“This continues a conversation we have been having for a number of years about mental health and substance abuse,” said Pastor Tim Wolf, Director of Pioneer Family Services in Somerville. “We want to reduce the stigma about these issues so we can talk about them in the community. This screening is a good way to continue the conversation.”

He said he will be the moderator of the evening event.

The film includes interviews with children, teens, educators, experts, parents and an interview with Michael Phelps, according to IndieFlix Foundation officials.

Foundation officials said the goal specifically of the film is to help people identify and understand the symptoms of anxiety and encourage them to reach out for help.

The foundation which is located in Seattle, Wash, is on a mission to inspire change with powerful stories that can unite and transform communities, according to officials.

“I have seen over the years the improvement of us as communities discussing these issues. We have more resources available today,” Wolf said. “Even with that, I still think there is an embarrassment or sense of shame for anyone who has mental health issues. Whether it is depression, anxiety or eating disorder it is hard for other people to understand if they never experienced it.”

He said he still believes there is a lot of work still to be done.

“My goal on the night is to hopefully awaken some folks. We want people to find the language to be able to talk about mental health issues with others,” Wolf said. “We also want people to know what is available in the community for support on these issues.”

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness in the United States, which affects 40 million Americans every year.

“What is great about the film is that it demonstrates that there is hope. I will also share about my life during the event,” he said. “I have suffered from anxiety issues as well. We want to talk about hope and how there is a way to get through. I know that through personal experience.”

Wolf said the screening in Hillsborough is important to him as well because he is also the lead pastor at the New Horizon Christian Fellowship Church in the township.

The Hillsborough YMCA, Empower Somerset, Hillsborough Township School District, Hillsborough Municipal Alliance and BoroSafe are all serving as the host to the event.


For more information about the screening event, contact Megan James at 908-630-3535