Middletown Town Wide Garage Sale May 18-19

The Middletown Town Wide Garage sale will take place on May 18 and 19 from
8:30 a.m. to  4 p.m. Residents may participate in one or both dates.

Residents who would like to sell items in the town wide garage sale must register for the event at middletownnj.org/signup.

In the case of poor weather, a seller can decide whether or not to continue with a sale. Shoppers will have the option to view the mobile website page and PDF listing of the featured items at any given address.

The information is shared on a mobile map and includes a resident’s address, items for sale and the days the seller will participate in the town wide garage sale. The cost is $5 to be included on the map.

For more information, call 732-615-2260 or email [email protected].