Letter to the Editor: The Hopewell Township Budget

To the Editor:

I confess, I am a retired senior citizen, and I do not like to see my property taxes go up. God knows they are already staggering.

I was one of several people who attended the Hopewell Township Committee meeting on May 20, and listened with interest to the presentation of the 2019 budget and the 4.6% overall increase.

What I heard was that there are circumstances beyond the control of our leaders, such as unforeseen legal expenses, debt service issues from the past, costs related to affordable housing negotiations to minimize the impact on our township, increased pension costs, and Mercer County recycling cost increase.

The actual budgeted amount to the operating expense of our township was a negative 3.08%.  Our leaders are doing more for less. That’s great fiscal leadership and careful budgeting. Prudent leaders who watch out for all of us are managing our town. I commend them for a job well done.

Jack Belmont,
Hopewell Township