Hillsborough Planning Board approves apartments on Amwell Road

The Hillsborough Township Planning Board has approved additional housing units to be constructed on Amwell Road near the Nelson’s Corner Shopping Center.

The decision came during a meeting on May 23 when board members approved a plan submitted by Amwell Terrace, LLC, to consolidate lots. Preliminary and final major site plan approval with bulk variances and waivers was granted to the applicant to demolish existing structures and to construct a residential development.

According to the applicant’s site plan, the proposed development would consist of 126 apartments in nine buildings. The plan includes 36 apartments to be designated as affordable housing.

Affordable housing is defined as housing that is sold or rented at below market rates to individuals and families whose income meets certain guidelines.

The site plan indicates the apartment buildings will have between 12 and 18 units, with garages on the first floors for tenant parking. The site will include parks and recreation facilities.

An initial meeting on the application was held in April. The application was concluded on May 23.

Although the applicant introduced its preliminary and final site plans at the April meeting, the board members requested that the applicant return with certain changes.

After testimony from the applicant’s representatives was provided to address the board’s requests and changes to the site plan, the meeting was opened to public comment. During that time, one resident voiced concern regarding the proposed affordable housing units.

The resident said two of the proposed apartment buildings would overlook his community and said he was concerned for his neighbors near Steinmentz Road regarding the type of residents the affordable housing units would attract.

Board members said the Somerset County Affordable Housing Administration selects and vets each applicant for an affordable unit. They said applicant must have a satisfactory credit rating as well.

The resident also voiced concern regarding decks in the proposed development that he said could allow people to see into his home.

Following discussion among the board members and the applicant’s representatives, the applicant agreed to provide additional buffering and trees to ensure privacy for neighboring homes.

Following additional testimony from the applicant’s professionals, a motion was made and passed by the board to approve the application.