Affordable Writing Service on Thanks You Have to Say to Your 1st College Year


The end of your first year in college is right around the corner, and you and your friends are packing up ready to go home. Well, college and university students face closure sooner or later all over the world. After a long year of spending countless hours under the piles of books that you’re not going to use again, partying with friends, getting your first part-time job on or off campus, you realize many things are over. Most of the experience that you gain during your first year has left a pretty big impression on you, that’s for sure. While you definitely had your hard times, overall, you did pretty awesomely. Before you say goodbye to the freshman year, take your time to say a few “thanks a lot!” to the time of your life that you’re not going to forget.

  • Thank you to the college dorm room

This was your safe and secure place during your first year in college. Although there were moments where the world seemed to be crashing down on you, your dorm room made you feel safe no matter what. When you were far away from home, your room was your cure to homesickness.

  • Thank you to the people teaching you never care what others say or think

Let’s be honest here. Getting your lip split by the basketball or failing your classes, you’ve finally learned that no one out there really cares about what you do, how, and when. People are growing and changing, and embarrassing issues never last forever.

  • Thank you to the best roomie

This person got you through your freshman year in college. Your roommate became the family that you miss day by day and gave you the most wonderful experience that many college students can’t boast of.

  • Thank you to online academic helpers

Remember that affordable essay writing service that you used once to accomplish an essay that was due the next day? It’s the right time to say thank you to your helpers that were there for you twenty-four hours a day! Besides, there are more essays, book reviews, lab reports, term papers, case studies, courseworks, and other projects to come, so you’re going to approach the services more than once.

  • Thank you to the first year professors

Let’s admit it. You had not the slightest idea of what to do or where to go during your first weeks in college. Your tutors were there for you to teach you not only the disciplines but also more about life. These educated and highly professional people taught you so many important lessons that you are going to take them with you until the end of your days.

  • Thank you to independence

The first year in college is definitely about being an independent person. Without a doubt, you have never known how different your life is without your mom and dad by your side every single day. Your freshman year was the time that taught you to find nothing wrong in being alone, whether that is about studying alone or going to the movie alone. Moreover, some students report finding it enjoyable to spend some time on their own instead of hanging out with a large group of people.

  • Thank you to the freshman year self

You had definitely had your own expectations before you entered the institution. Without a doubt, you were surprised how the things turned out eventually. You’ve managed to cope with one of the biggest challenges in your life even when you thought you’d never make it. You lost some of your friends, you had some terrible dates that you feel ashamed of, you survived the all-nighters and dramas. You also found your love and had new unique experiences that you can’t believe were part of your life. Be proud of yourself!

So, your first year in college is finally over. Without a doubt, it was hard, impressive, surprising, disappointing, full of fun, and new emotions at the same time. This is the time when you’re getting to know yourself better. This is the moment of life when you meet new people, who may turn into life-lasting friendships eventually. Do not hesitate to say thank you to the best memories and stories that your kids are going to love once they’re getting ready to become students. There’s a battle ahead, but you’ve already got some valuable experience and skills that will serve as the firm basis for the academic years ahead. Enjoy the ride!