Rebecca Nowalski

South River Council introduces ordinance for no parking on sections of Main Street, Joseph Street

SOUTH RIVER–The Borough Council introduced an ordinance amending the borough code to authorize no parking along Main and Joseph streets.

“At the recommendation of the South River Police Department’s Traffic Safety Division, the cars parking on Main Street forced traffic to go over the double solid lines into oncoming traffic lanes due to the narrowing of the roadway, so by eliminating parking it widens the existing lanes and makes it a safer roadway,” Borough Administrator Art Londensky said.
On Main Street, along both the north and south sides extending 326 feet east from Hillside Avenue; and on Joseph Street, along the north side, 70 feet of Pulawski Avenue extending 21 feet east, parking will not be permitted, according to the council agenda.

“This is a handicapped parking space for a handicapped resident without a legal driveway who displays a valid New Jersey handicapped placard or license plate,” Londensky said.

Londensky said once the ordinance is adopted, signs will be added on both streets.

The council introduced the ordinance on May 28. The second and final reading for the ordinance is set for June 10.

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Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].