Middletown student earns full-ride to NJIT honors college

MIDDLETOWN – A senior at Middletown High School North has earned a full-ride to Albert Dorman Honors College at The New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark.

And not only has Cade Riegler, 18, earned the full-scholarship to the institute in which he plans to major in computer engineering, the scholar has also been named valedictorian of his graduating class.

“I’ve worked really hard for this and I am happy,” Cade said in an interview on June 4.

Cade was chosen as valedictorian after earning a high grade point average. The student said he completed six advanced placement (AP) classes this year, adding that he has been enrolled in AP and honors courses throughout high school.

As valedictorian, Cade will make a speech during commencement on June 18.

“Not to spoil too much,” Cade said, “but I want to get a truth across about effort and responsibility.”

Cade, who reflected on the lessons he learned in high school, said the No. 1 lesson he will carry with him to college is to “take advantage of every opportunity you can.”

“There is a senior internship program I am doing and not many students are doing that,” Cade said, citing an opportunity he has taken advantage of. “(The internship) is great. I’m working with the technology department on the entire district’s computer technology. Since I want to go into computer engineering, the (internship) is great for me.

“There are clubs for literally everything at school and there are teachers who know so much. It’s like, (students) should take advantage of every opportunity because (students) can learn so much more than you thought you could in high school,” he said.

Asked if taking advantage of educational and extracurricular opportunities is largely to cite for his academic success, Cade said, “Definitely. I was also one of the managers of the baseball team for a few years. Before, I was never really into sports. But I was once talking with the coach who explained that he needed management. I did that and it was great.”

Throughout high school, Cade took part in coding club; makerspace, an “open-ended” technology laboratory; the school’s academic team; math and science league; he is President of the National Honor Society; Vice President of the Science Honor Society; and a member of the Math Honor Society; History Honors Society; and English Honor Society.

Cade, who said he is “nervous but looking forward to” continuing his education at NJIT, said he has his eye on the new internship program the institution now offers.

“I’m looking forward to learning new things about my major,” Cade said. “I already feel like I know a lot, but there is still so much more (to learn) in the field. (Computer engineering) changes so rapidly. You have to keep up with all of it and be able to work with (new technology) as it comes out.”

Cade offered a few words of advice for his fellow graduates.

“Always try new things. Put the effort in because you get back what you put in … Some kids just coast and don’t do all that much, but if you put in the effort, you will get something back that is tangible that will help you in the future. If you try, you will see results. (Hard work) does pay off,” he said.