Jackson Police Department announces Operation Blue Angel

JACKSON – Police Chief Matthew Kunz has announced the launch of Operation Blue Angel, a safety program designed for adults age 60 and over who live alone and may be medically impaired.

Kunz said Operation Blue Angel will give police officers and other emergency services providers quick access to a residence if the resident is physically unable to answer the door, and without the need to damage property in order to force entry.

Anyone who fits the criteria and wishes to participate will be issued a lock box much like the one used by real estate agents when selling a house. A key will be provided by the resident to store in the lock box and will only be accessible by the Jackson Police Department, according to a press release.

The lock box combination will be stored in confidential police files accessible by Jackson police telecommunication officers who will dispatch police officers and EMS providers to any emergency. According to the press release, the resident will not be given the combination for the lock box.

In the event of an emergency in which the homeowner may be incapacitated, first responders will be able to immediately access the residence using the key provided, without the delay and damage of forcible entry, according to the press release.

Kunz said that with the assistance of Westlake adult community residents Robert Lesnick and Barry Edelstien, Operation Blue Angel was identified as a program that could greatly enhance the police department’s ability to serve some of the most vulnerable members of the community.

The Jackson Police Department has sponsored the first purchase of 50 lock boxes to launch the program. Kunz said County Line Hardware helped the police department to identify and obtain professional grade lock boxes that will give the police department years of service.

Jackson residents age 60 and over with potentially incapacitating medical issues, and who live alone, may qualify to participate in Operation Blue Angel. Residents interested in participating must complete a brief application form and sign a liability release, according to the press release.

Individuals interested in participating in Operation Blue Angel may contact Lt. John Convery by email at [email protected] or call 732-833-3015.