Hillsborough officials recognize two local teachers

The Hillsborough Township Committee recognized the academic efforts and contributions local teachers in the community.

Township committee members acknowledged two particular teachers who were in attendance for the presentation, Loydes Lewis of Woodfern Elementary School and Michelle Klink of Sunnymead Elementary School, at a June 11 committee meeting.

“We are very fortunate in Hillsborough Township to have such dedicated staff members within the Board of Education,” Hillsborough Township Mayor Frank DelCore said. “It is the township committee’s honor to recognize the achievements of these fine educators. Our school system receives recognition as being a top school and it is because of dedicated teachers such as the following individuals who were recently recognized as Teacher of the Year.”

Mayor DelCore announced that Klink, a fourth grade teacher at Sunnymead, received the honor of being named as the school’s “Teacher of the Year for 2019” because of her “outstanding level of talent and commitment to the Hillsborough School District.”

Klink has been a member of the Hillsborough School District faculty for more than 11 years as an elementary school teacher. She has been teaching fourth grade for five years and has been involved with writing and developing curriculum and common assessment writing for science, math, social studies, and literacy.

She has also served as a mentor for a student teacher and a “Buddy” for a new teacher. Mayor DelCore also explained that Klink contributed her time to Sunnymead programs such as “FIT Girls,” a craft night, “Friendship Soup” and the fourth grade “Students versus Teachers Floor Hockey Game.”

Following Klink’s recognition, Mayor DelCore announced that Lewis, a Spanish teacher at Woodfern Elementary School, received the honor of being named the school’s “Teacher of the Year for 2019.”

Lewis has been a member of the Hillsborough School District faculty for 17 years as a Spanish teacher in various elementary schools throughout the township and Hillsborough Middle School.

She organized several Woodfern nutrition seminars for ESL parents and developed a Spanish Integration Program at Woodfern and Sunnymead Elementary schools for kindergarten through fourth grade team teaching.

Township officials said she also assists colleagues on a routine basis, school nurses, counselors and the administration as a translator, organizes visits to Beekman Gardens Complex to connect with the economically challenged minority population. She also assists with the registration enrollment process and to deliver donated class supplies, food and clothing.

The committee commended Klink and Lewis for being recognized as premier teachers in both Hillsborough educational institutions and thanked them for their contributions to Hillsborough’s youth.