Thomas Edison State University names new director

Melissa Maszczak enters into distinguished company at Thomas Edison State University.

She has become the new senior fellow and director of the Center for Leadership and Governance at the university in Trenton.

“I was thrilled to receive the news. I was not expecting it,” Maszcazak said. “Dr. George Pruitt (President Emeritus and Board Distinguished fellow) came down and offered me the position. I thought this was a good fit for me and I think this is going to be a great opportunity and challenge.”

She said she feels prepared for her new position based on her experience with The Center for Leadership and Governance at the university.

The Center for Leadership and Governance provides executive leadership development opportunities and promotes effective strategies for governing boards in higher education, nonprofits, and government entities, according to officials.

“Having previously worked with Ms. Maszczak for more than 10 years, I know her to be a consummate professional who is passionate about her work,” said Pruitt. “I am pleased Melissa will be joining the Center and look forward to the energy and dedication she brings to the advancement of the Center’s mission.”

Officials said Maszczak has worked in various roles within the office of the president at the University since 2007. She had previously served as executive assistant to the president and secretary to the board of trustees, officials explained.

“I never knew what I want to be when I grew up, so it kind of worked out that I was offered the position in 2007. I wanted to see how that went and it has been wonderful,” she said. “We had such a great office and team over the years. This is a university that is for non-traditional students. I was able to learn and be exposed to the knowledge of Pruitt and his chief of staff at the time Linda Meehan. It has been almost 12 years since started this has just been wonderful.”

Maszczack said with her position she wants to create a platform for those aspiring to the Presidency.

“One of the things we are doing is creating a master class for people who aspire to the presidency in higher education. My thought is that if we are having this master class for the presidency we need one for the presidential assistants, so that is something I would like to do,” she said. “We are also working on a non-credit course that is based on a book that is coming in the fall called ‘It is time to get real’. It is a life and career planning model. This will be great for people who want to create a plan for themselves. This course would be a strategic plan for their life.”

She explained that those two ideas she referenced earlier are the two major items the center is working on.

Maszczack, who is a Bordentown resident, was also recently appointed a member of the board of directors of the National Association of Presidential Assistants in Higher Education (NAPAHE) and serves as a member of the board of directors and program committee chair of the University’s chapter of the American Council on Education (ACE) Women’s Professional Network.

“I am so excited to get things rolling in this new position as senior fellow and director. I have already been working on things for the past few weeks,” she said. “I already have a lot of energy and I am ready to dive right in.”