Library showcases Sherri Andrews first solo exhibit

Artist Sherri Andrews will be experiencing something new this summer her first solo exhibit.

The Plainsboro resident’s journey to being an artist was not always clear.

Back in 2013, she was a Wall Street hedge fund manager and research director.

“My friends in finance are really surprised about my artwork and painting. Six years ago, I went away on vacation with a business friend,” Andrews said. “I took a free art class while on vacation and it was like a spiritual experience. Art at that time was not something that was in my life. It was sort of like a hidden talent. That is why too my work has been about layers lately. It is that whole concept of not really knowing something about yourself.

Her solo art exhibit is called ‘Evolution’ and will take place at the Plainsboro Public Library from Aug. 3 until Aug. 28.

“My art has evolved. I just think this has been an evolution for me from a career in business to one in art. This exhibit will show the evolution of my work because it has really changed over years,” Andrews said. “People will clearly see that when they see my work.”

There will be no more than 18 to 20 pieces of art on display.

When she began as an artist six years ago she started creating art with alcohol inks.

“People in the area know about most of my work in that medium. It is a hard medium to work with and relatively new,” Andrews said. “The ink is very fluid which makes it difficult to control when painting. They are also very bright colors, but then over time I started to experimenting with other mediums over time.”

According to Andrews, she has recently been working on collages, acrylics and art work that deals with layers.

“An example of one my pieces with layers is one with a ghost in it. I had not even intended to do it. It was a painting of a woman in a window and it had too much white space so I scrapped the painting to the left to reveal something,” she said. “My husband was like, ‘Sherri stop, there is a ghost’ so I left it. The piece had turned out great.”

The solo exhibit will be a mix of Andrews previous and recent artwork.

She said she has received a great response from people who witness her work and is happy to see people like it.

“I can’t explain the joy that it brings me. Art is a part of your soul,” Andrews said. “I feel like that if I am happy when I am painting a picture the viewer is able to see and feel that. I have been truly surprised though at the great response I have received from people when it comes to my paintings.”

The solo exhibit has taken 18 months for it all to come together in August.

“I would like for people to be inspired on the idea that it is never too late to try something new. You can always reinvent yourself and give people a little joy,” Andrews said.

The Plainsboro Library where the art exhibit is being held is located on 9 Van Doren St. in Plainsboro.

There will be a public opening reception on Aug.4, from 2-4 p.m., according to library officials.

For more information about the exhibit, visit