Freehold Township audit reveals no issues with municipal finances

FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – No recommendations for corrective action were made in the 2018 municipal audit of Freehold Township.

At a Township Committee meeting on July 23, committee members passed a resolution to adopt the 2018 audit. Under state law, the governing body of every municipality must have an annual audit of its books, accounts and financial transactions.

According to the resolution, the audit contains no recommendations and because no recommendations were made, officials were not required to prepare a corrective action plan.

By passing the resolution, the committee certified to the state’s Local Finance Board that all members of the governing body reviewed, at a minimum, the sections of the annual audit entitled General Comments and Recommendations.

In other business, committee members adopted an ordinance appropriating $80,000 from the municipal water and sewer capital fund for improvements to the Joysan Terrace and Gully Road pump stations.

According to the ordinance, officials will replace the Joysan Terrace pump station mixer and rebuild the pumps at the Gully Road pump station.

Committee members also authorized two contracts for emergency repairs to and cleanup of the Joysan Terrace pump station. A contract for $3,342 was awarded to ServPro of Freehold and a contract for $18,169 was awarded to Rapid Pump & Meter Service Company.

The emergency contracts were authorized because of a failure in a valve that led to all three floors of the Joysan Terrace pump station flooding, ruining three motors and all the electrical equipment, according to the resolution.

Finally, the committee amended the 2019 municipal budget to insert $25,704 as a special item of revenue/appropriations. Freehold Township received a $25,704 grant for childhood lead exposure prevention services with Monmouth County, according to a resolution.