Metuchen officials discuss traffic light synchronization

METUCHEN – In an effort to keep traffic flow in and around the borough moving, the Traffic and Transportation Committee is calling on traffic light synchronization at high volume intersections in the borough.

Those busy intersections include Route 27 and Main Street, Highland and Hillside avenues, New and Main streets and Bridge Street.

Member Dan Cea discussed a traffic synchronization study at a Borough Council meeting on July 15.

He said that the intersections have all pre-timed signals for traffic and pedestrians; however, over time, the lights have naturally unsynchronized due to accidents, falling lights, and/or sidewalk repair and repaving.

“[The lights] keep on getting more and more out of sync,” he said.

Cea explained that the committee recommends a traffic synchronization study, which has a total rough estimate of $9,000 with $1,500 budgeted for meetings and other components with experts, county, state and borough officials. He said that once a study is in place, it could act as a template for additional intersections in the future.

He said that the benefits of traffic light synchronization include keeping traffic off local roads and pushing cars through the intersection, improving one’s driving experience, and encouraging more people to come downtown. He explained that traffic synchronization would also reduce stalling and stopping motor vehicles, noise pollution, reduce traffic times, and reduce driver frustration.