Englishtown council will fund capital improvements

ENGLISHTOWN – The Englishtown Borough Council has introduced a bond ordinance that will, if adopted, fund capital improvements.

The ordinance was introduced on July 24. A public hearing on the ordinance is scheduled for Aug. 14. Council members may adopt the ordinance following the public hearing.

The ordinance appropriates $110,000 for general capital improvements and authorizes the issuance of $104,500 in bonds or notes to finance part of the costs. The remaining costs will be covered by a down payment of $5,500.

According to the ordinance, the capital improvements are for the Englishtown Police Department and the borough administration. The improvements include, but are not limited to, the acquisition and installation of computer hardware and software, police fingerprinting equipment and system, and Alcotest (breathalyzer) equipment.

In other business on July 24, council members passed separate resolutions to submit grant applications and execute grant contracts with the New Jersey Department of Transportation.

One application and contract is for the Heritage Drive reconstruction and Raymond Court improvements, and the second application and contract is for pedestrian improvements to Conover Street, Park Avenue and Station Street.

And, council members accepted the resignation of Celia Hecht, who has worked for Englishtown since 2006.

Hecht initially worked as the water-sewer clerk and she also held the positions of deputy tax collector, planning board secretary and municipal housing liaison. To date, Hecht has continued to work as the water-sewer clerk and the deputy tax collector. Her resignation will become effective Dec. 31.

Finally, the council made a conditional offer of employment to Michael Marcinczyk for the position of part-time code enforcement official. The employment is conditional upon the successful passing of a background check and fingerprinting. According to the resolution, Marcinczyk’s date of hire was Aug. 1 and he will receive a salary of $15 per hour for 10 hours per week.