Lawrence Nature Center programs continue in August

Wrapping up its weekly summer “Family Night” programs, the Lawrence Nature Center will offer three more events in August – beginning with a presentation on rock decorations and ending with tall tales around the campfire.

The programs, which are free and family-friendly, are held at the Lawrence Nature Center at 481 Drexel Ave. The programs start at 7 p.m. and last about 60 to 90 minutes.

Lawrence High School senior Aluen Tomat-Kelly, whose presentation is set for Aug. 13, will show guests how to paint a rock and create a message to announce the health benefits of spending time outdoors.

On Aug. 20, visitors can learn about mollusks. Sonja Michaluk will talk about the local mollusks and how they fit into the ecosystem.

Visitors will get a chance to dissect a mollusk and harvest their own freshwater pearl, provided by a magical mermaid. Each visitor will leave with a genuine pearl and a lot of fun memories.

Finally, on Aug. 27, it’s “Stories Around the Campfire” night. A master storyteller will tell tall tales around the campfire – from fish tales to ghost stories. Children are encouraged to share their own fish and ghost stories.

The Lawrence Nature Center is set on 45 acres of land, including the 36-acre Drexel Woods, at 481 Drexel Ave.

The property was acquired by Lawrence Township in 1998, and the Lawrence Nature Center was dedicated in 2004.