Red Bank pitcher Povey heading to Villanova

Jack Povey has two ambitions in life — to become a Major League Baseball pitcher and a successful businessman.

Povey thinks Villanova University will give him the opportunity to achieve both.

That is why, on Nov. 26 at his high school, Red Bank Regional High School, Povey committed to play Division 1 baseball for Villanova.

“(Villanova) coach (Kevin) Mulvey said how he’s had experience with the MLB Draft. He also highlighted the alumni program that has a lot of connections between the baseball team and business school,” Povey said. “The alumni program helps out with Nova baseball players in the business world.”

But before he pitches in the majors and becomes an international business man, Povey has a senior season to play for the Buccaneers. He is close to being a fully formed pitcher.

Mentally, he always wants the ball and is always able to stay cool on the mound.

“It’s who he is,” said Red Bank baseball coach Nick Tucker. “It’s innate within him.”

Physically, Povey has gotten taller and stronger over the course of his high school career. Now, he stands 6-2 and weighs a sturdy 165 pounds.

“I’ve always been working out with a personal trainer and it has helped a lot,” Povey said.

On the bump, Povey can throw four pitches, a fastball, curveball, circle changeup and a slider/cutter, for strikes in any count. The senior also has the freedom to call his own game with his catcher.

“He has really developed as a pitcher. He has really learned how to pitch much more,” Tucker said. “And we’ve even given him some freedoms as a result of that. We call the first inning to get a feel and then we let him go because we trust him.”

Povey’s gradual development has generated results, too. He has struck out 143 batters in 111 high school innings.

That ability to strike people out will help Povey compete for a starting spot when he arrives at Villanova next fall. Mulvey told Povey that he will have that chance.

“All the coaches think I could be a big guy in the rotation helping out as early as possible,” Povey said. “I think I’m ready for that role and I want to make an impact right away.”

Povey has one more level to reach before he steps on the Pennsylvania campus. His fastball clocks in the high 80s right now. By the spring high school season, Povey hopes to be hitting the low 90s.

Villanova’s trainers gave Povey a workout program to start doing during his senior year of high school. Now, the Bucs’ ace works out five times a week, instead of three or four. He also exercises every part of his body, his shoulders, arms, legs and core.

Povey is hoping that adding muscle will increase the speed of his fastball.

“I want to be in the best shape possible going into school,” Povey said. “I also want to be throwing harder by putting weight on and getting stronger.”

The senior also wants to lead Red Bank to a Shore Conference A Central Division title and deep runs in the Shore Conference and the state sectional tournaments.

“I want to get good grades, work hard and win in baseball,” Povey said.

“I expect him to take the team and lead them. He knows he’s the ace and the guy when we need a big game, out or inning,” Tucker said. “He’s leading by example with the younger guys, which is all you can really ask for.”