Hillsborough teen receives scholarship to pursue education

A Hillsborough resident has been announced as the recipient of a scholarship to help her pursue her academic career.

Alison Karki of Hillsborough has received a $50,000 scholarship to continue her high school education.

In the upcoming academic year, Alison, the daughter of Shyam and Nami Karki, will attend the United World College-USA in Montezuma, New Mexico.

As a student at Hillsborough High School, she was among 55 United States students selected as Davis Scholars. Every year, more than 300 individuals apply for the merit-based scholarships.

UWC is an international high school for students between the ages of 16 and 19, with 18 campuses worldwide whose mission is to unite cultures through education with an intent to create a peaceful, sustainable world. UWC students represent up to 90 countries at some campuses; many come from conflict regions, according to a statement from UWC.

UWC offers the international baccalaureate, a two-year pre-university program that is the most widely recognized secondary school diploma in the world.

Applicants to UWC must be in grades 10 or 11. An application for admission in the fall of 2020 is now available on the UWC-USA website and the deadline to apply is in October. For more information, visit www.uwc-usa.org