Make the most of your visit to the dentist 

A common question usually asked in dental office is why taking dental radiographs is important.

Dental x-rays (radiographs) are images of your teeth that your dentist uses to evaluate your oral health. These X-rays are used with low levels of radiation to capture images of the interior of your teeth and gums. This can help your dentist to identify problems, like cavities, tooth decay, and impacted teeth.

Apart from brushing, the most important thing you can do for your teeth is to floss. You should floss at least once a day to maintain good oral hygiene. Food and bacteria in these areas will eventually produce acid that will start to cause cavities. This acid will also emit foul smelling sulfurous compounds, the primary reason for bad breath. The mucus like substance that bacteria live in is called plaque. Brushing removes plaque but it can be hard to clean between teeth with a conventional brush. Flossing also cleans below the gum line which can prevent the onset of gingivitis (gum disease). Seek advice from our dentists and hygienists. They are happy to check if you are flossing correctly.

  Four bizarre dental facts:

      • The electric chair was invented by Alfred P. Southwick, a dentist from Buffalo, Colorado.
      • The Greek physician Hippocrates suggested toothpaste was made from mice skeleton and the head of hare to cure toothache.
      • The People’s Republic of China has set aside Sept. 20 as a national holiday for Love your Teeth Day.
      •  The elephant grinds down its molars and grows new ones. This happens six times in its lifetime. 

    Visit us at One Stop Dental of Hazlet, 875 Poole Ave., Hazlet. Call 732-902-0000 or email [email protected] or visit