Millstone officials will seek funding from state for road improvement projects

MILLSTONE – The Township Committee has submitted two grant applications to the state for a pair of road projects that will cost a total of $1.12 million and are anticipated to be partially funded by a $600,000 contribution from the state.

On Aug. 7, committee members passed resolutions approving the submission of a grant application and the execution of a grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of Transportation (DOT) for the projects.

For the first project, improvements will be made on Nurko Road from the border of Roosevelt to Imlaystown Road in East Windsor.

For the second project, improvements will be made on Millstone Road from Route 33 to 1,000 feet south of Perrineville Road.

The construction cost for the improvements to Nurko Road is estimated at $575,000 and the construction cost for the improvements to Millstone Road is estimated at $562,500, according to the resolutions.

For each project, $300,000 is anticipated in funds from the state to help cover the cost of the improvements.

According to the resolutions, Millstone will pay the remaining $275,000 toward the construction of the Nurko Road improvements and the remaining $262,500 toward the construction of the Millstone Road improvements, as well as the administrative and engineering costs associated with each project.

In other business, committee members authorized a shared services agreement with neighboring Manalapan for motor vehicle maintenance and repairs. These services are provided by Manalapan for Millstone because Millstone does not employ a mechanic, according to municipal officials.

The agreement became effective on July 10 and will remain in effect for one year, after which it will automatically renew for one-year terms for a maximum of three years. When  the automatic renewals conclude in 2022, Millstone and Manalapan officials may take action to continue the agreement.

The committee also passed a resolution authorizing the continuation of a shared services/mutual aid agreement with neighboring Jackson, pertaining to conflict of interest and emergency coverage construction code enforcement services. Under the agreement, Jackson will provide the services to Millstone.

According to the resolution, the agreement will be effective from Aug. 7 through Dec. 31. Millstone and Jackson officials may agree to extend the agreement on Jan. 1, 2020, on an annual basis.

Finally, committee members endorsed a sewage treatment works application for Millstone Center, a commercial retail center on Route 33 that was constructed in the 1980s.

According to a resolution, the retail center’s on-site subsurface sewage treatment system started to indicate signs of failure in 2018, requiring new Monmouth County Board of Health approvals and a permit from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for the proposed waste water treatment system.

In order to provide for safe and efficient treatment and disposal of up to 2,297 gallons per day, Crest Engineering Associates has designed a waste water treatment and disposal system for Millstone Center.

The resolution states that the Township Committee’s endorsement of the application is necessary because such applications are required by the DEP to have consent by the local municipality or the local sewage authority.