20 Lessons for Female Athletes on Training

Ever since trans women started winning wrestling tournaments, the discussion about them shifting the standards in female sports became real. Many athletes think it’s unfair. Others embrace the changes and see them as a positive challenge.

Girls athletes are driven forward by competition and higher standards. When they face improved competition, they start training harder. This is a good thing that will elevate the quality and excitement of women athletes training. We’re going to keep seeing stronger women, competing at a higher level.

But how do you develop undisturbed focus that keeps you away from all the drama going around in female athletics at the moment? Instead of getting involved in the harsh online debate, it’s important to keep doing your thing and keep pushing your personal limits.

How do strong female athletes become who they are? What are the specific tips that their lifestyle inspires? We’ll list 20 lessons that women athletes should learn while they are still young.

1.      Be an Inspiration

Use your status as an athlete to inspire other girls and women. When you become an inspiration, you’ll stay more committed to training.

2.      Get Full Support from Your Partner

You need a partner who understands what athletics mean to you. This is someone who will get a paper from EduBirdie when you get stuck, prepare after-training snacks for you, and support you in every other way.

3.      Be Competitive!

You can be friends with anyone, but when the competition is on, there’s no space for mercy.

4.      Get the Support from Your Parents

Many female athletes don’t stand on good terms with their parents. They expected something else from them, or they constantly control their trainings and expect too much. Stand up for yourself!

5.      Mind Your Health

The risks of youth wrestling and other sports are real. Get well informed and protect yourself!

6.      Take Care of Your Skin

It can get off balance with all that sweat and exercise. Invest in good products and keep yourself beautiful!

7.      Stand Up to the Perfectionist in You

No matter how hard you train, you can never reach perfection.

8.      Injury Is Part of Life

Even if it does occur, it’s not the end of the world. You’ll heal and you’ll learn a valuable life lesson along the way.

9.      Experiment!

If you’re focused on wrestling, it doesn’t mean you can’t try some yoga or kayaking.

10. Choose Your Friends Wisely

Every athlete needs her support system.

11. Use Instagram for Inspiration

Follow people who inspire you. Use it to inspire others. But don’t get addicted!

12. Your Coach Is Not Your Boss

Abuse is common in women athletes training and it needs to come to an end. Don’t let your coach to manipulate you!

13. Emotions Are Okay

You’re allowed to experience emotions of sadness, anger, and anything else you want to feel.

14. Eat Good Food!

Athletes don’t have another choice; they must eat healthy food. Alcohol and smoking are not allowed.

15. There’s No Final Destination

Your career as an athlete is a continuous journey.

16. It’s Okay to Stay at Home

Maybe you won’t be able to attend all parties and do everything else that your friends do. You have to be okay with that.

17. Have a Mentor

It’s easy to connect with other athletes through social media. Reach out; most of them will be happy to give guidance.

18. Have Your Big Goals!

Write them down and repeat them daily.

19. You Don’t Lack Class!

You have more muscle than the average woman, but that doesn’t make you any less beautiful.

20. Stay Strong!

You’ll feel like giving up at one point or another. That’s the moment when you most need some strength of character.

You Made the Choice!

You are a strong, committed individual with big dreams. You made the choice to progress towards those goals and you’re doing something in that aspect every day. It’s more than what most people at your age can say about themselves.

Sometimes you’ll feel you’re not good enough. You’ll feel like a failure. You’ll want to indulge in partying and alcohol. You’ll be frustrated that your friends have more free time than you. It will be hard for you to find the balance between your studies and your commitment to athletics.

It’s not an easy journey. But you know what? Only the best ones succeed through it. You made this choice and you can carry the burden that it brings. It also brings a lot of satisfaction and self-confidence, so we mustn’t forget the good things about being a woman in athletics.

As for the current situation with trans women elevating the standards, don’t worry about it. Take it as an inspiration to train harder and push your physical limits!

BIO: Connie Elser committed to full-time blogging when she had to give up professional weightlifting because of a knee injury. Through her articles, she inspires women athletes to be the best versions of themselves. Connie loves to travel and share impressions from her trips through Instagram.

Contributed by Connie Elser