Letter to the Editor: Economics and efficiency in the school board budget

To the Editor:

I am running for a township seat on the Hopewell Valley Regional School District School Board. I am grateful for the opportunities provided to students in Hopewell and appreciate the chance to give back to the community. I value education and understand the social, ethical and economic impact it has on our community.

I have lived in Hopewell for 17 years. My roles as a soccer and lacrosse coach, paired with my personal experience in special education has contributed to my understanding of our district, and has helped me build strong relationships with stakeholders.

As a parent of two children in Hopewell schools, I am proud of the many strengths and achievements; but, at the same time, I am aware of concerns from parents and community members.

As a school board member, I will make balanced and informed decisions that advocate for the best educational opportunities, while taking into consideration economics and efficiency in the budget. A reasonable balance is achievable without compromising the quality of programs or instruction.

I’m a Marine Corp veteran who fought in Operation Iraqi Freedom. I attended Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia and majored in criminal justice. My military background provided me years of administrative and leadership experience.

Voters should know that my various perspectives can be conducive to creative solutions and my calm disposition will be a strength in navigating differing opinions and finding common ground.

Running with Bill Herbert on a ticket of integrity and fiscal responsibility, I am here to support the district, while remaining cognizant of the economic realities faced by our taxpayers.

I care about our schools and will apply my knowledge and commitment to contribute to the school board. I look forward to earning your support and meeting with community members to discuss concerns.

John N. Mason