Letter to the Editor: Assemblyman Freiman declines League of Conservation Voters Endorsement

To the Editor:

I am gratified that the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) has joined the Sierra Club and recognized me with their endorsement.  My record has demonstrated that I prioritize the critical need to protect our environment. However, I am choosing to decline the LCV endorsement.

By failing to endorse my running mate Andrew Zwicker, LCV acted in a vindictive manner when they were unable to persuade him to abandon his principles on dark money, even though he has an impeccable environmental record.

I stand with my running mate. We are a team that is committed to ensuring that the generations after us will have clean water, clean air and live in a greener society. Should LCV see fit to endorse candidates based on their environmental record then I would be honored to accept their endorsement.

Roy Freiman