Letter to the Editor: Maintaining Hillsborough’s strong leadership and bright future – Re-Elect Mayor Frank DelCore

To the Editor:

Election Day is less than 60 days away, and Hillsborough’s voters have a choice between Mayor Frank DelCore and his opponent, Jeffrey Wright. The choice, in my opinion, is easy and I ask my fellow residents to support Frank DelCore on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

I was born, raised, and educated in Hillsborough Township. Over the course of the past twenty-five years, I have grown to appreciate the township’s standing as a great place to live, work and retire. Residents of Hillsborough are fortunate to experience a transparent, proactive and fiscally responsible government. Our township’s standing as one of the best places to live in the country did not happen by chance and is in large part thanks to the proven, considerate and strong leadership demonstrated by our local elected officials – including Mayor DelCore.

As a young resident, who is fortunate enough to serve on the township’s planning board with Mayor DelCore, I have seen first-hand Frank’s thoughtful approach to planning, governing and appreciate his mentorship. A consummate public official, Mayor DelCore serves the township’s residents with our best interests in mind. He is a fierce advocate for the township and his enthusiasm for serving us is second to none.

Under Mayor DelCore’s leadership, Hillsborough has set itself on a course for a bright future. I have no doubt that the best is yet to come, and I ask my fellow residents to join me in voting to re-elect Frank DelCore for another term on the township committee on Nov. 5.

Sam Weinstein