East Brunswick Library fall dance series includes Bachata, hip hop, Israeli folk dancing

The East Brunswick Public Library and the East Brunswick Arts Commission will offer a multicultural dance workshop series at the East Brunswick Community Arts Center, 721 Cranbury Road.

The series begins on Oct. 13 as the Ballroom Dream Dance Studio presents a dance workshop on Bachata for ages 18 and up.

East Brunswick choreographer Phil Solomon leads a hip hop dance class on Nov. 10 for ages eight and up.

The series ends on Nov. 17 with an Israeli dance workshop. Led by Vera Galleid, the program shares circle, line and partner dances set to Israeli music, for ages eight and up.

All three dance workshops start at 12:30 p.m. These programs are free and open to the public.

The fall dance series is sponsored by the Friends of the East Brunswick Library and the East Brunswick Arts Commission.

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