McGovern will conclude long tenure on Millstone Township school board

MILLSTONE – After more than a decade of service to the Millstone Township K-8 School District, Kevin McGovern, the longest-serving current member of the Board of Education, will be departing from his position.

In the Nov. 5 election, the seats currently held by McGovern, David DePinho and Sal Casale will be on the ballot. None of the three men are seeking new terms and they will leave the nine-member board in December.

Casale initially served on the board from 2008-14. He rejoined the board by appointment in 2016 and was then elected to a three-year term. DePinho, who is serving as board president in 2019, joined the board in 2009.

McGovern joined the board in 2007 and is currently the panel’s longest-serving member. He reflected on his service to the community, saying, “Back (in 2007), we were struggling to pass budgets, cutting programs, and were often at odds with the community, district leadership and one another.

“In the 12 years since, the board has adopted a zero based budgeting process that has enabled the district to invest in our students and staff and modernize the delivery of curriculum, frequently without having to raise taxes.

“We have taken measures to improve school security, implemented middle school electives, developed a robust life skills program for special needs students and successfully defended the right of our students to make choices about where to attend high school,” he said.

“We have been blessed to have two outstanding superintendents to oversee the district, and the board, as presently composed, is the most cohesive and effective group that I have ever worked with.

“I have every confidence that with the current board overseeing fiscal policy and (Superintendent of Schools Christopher) Huss running the district, the future of education in Millstone is in good hands.

“That is why I feel comfortable stepping down now after 12 years on the board. As of September, I no longer have children in the district and I thought it was time to give other members of the community the chance to get involved,” McGovern said.

“I would encourage members of the community, and particularly the parents of young children, to seek a position on the board and to work in the interests of all students while always bearing in mind the interests of our taxpayers.

“It has been one of the great privileges of my life to serve on the board and I am proud of what we have accomplished during my tenure.

“My thanks to the people of Millstone for giving me this opportunity, to the hard-working teachers, staff and administrators who educate our children every day, and to my fellow board members whose hard work and commitment to educational excellence made such a difference,” McGovern said.

According to the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office, no residents filed a nominating petition to appear on the Nov. 5 ballot. The winners of the three available three-year terms could be determined by write-in votes on Election Day. If write-in candidates are not elected to the open seats, the seats will be filled by appointment.