Milltown resident awakes to find rabid bat in bedroom

MILLTOWN – A bat tested positive for rabies in Milltown in the vicinity of Peachwood Court and Blueberry Drive.

This is the eighth rabid animal reported within Middlesex County for 2019 and the first in Milltown, according to information provided by the Middlesex County Office of Health Services.

On Sept. 16, a resident of Milltown awoke to find a bat in the room they were sleeping in, according to the statement. An exterminator trapped the bat and the animal was picked up by the animal control officer and was then taken to the New Jersey Department of Health Laboratory for testing.

It was reported on Sept. 20 that the animal tested positive for rabies, according to the statement.

There was one human exposure and one possible animal exposure. The resident had already seen a primary care physician and had begun the post exposure prophylaxis, according to reports. The animal is currently vaccinated and scheduled to receive a rabies booster.