Reader supports Weber, Santhana in Holmdel

I would like to share why I am supporting Cathy Weber and Prakash Santhana for election to the Township Committee in Holmdel.

I don’t expect to agree with elected officials on all issues, but I do expect them to demonstrate integrity, support transparency, encourage community involvement and act in the best interests of Holmdel.

I have known Cathy for nearly 25 years and Prakash for nearly 20. They consistently demonstrate the qualities I value.

The icing on the cake is to find candidates who not just demonstrate those qualities, but are also smart, creative, passionate and, yes, nice. I have spent hours with each of them – meaning they’ve been generous with their time – discussing how to ensure that residents feel welcome to share their concerns, innovative means to lessen reliance on local taxes and safeguarding the bucolic nature of our community.

Many of you know Cathy, who has always been the person you went to if you wanted to get something done. Fewer know Prakash, who I worked with in the electronic payments industry for nearly a decade. In addition to living the qualities I value, Prakash earned an MBA from Wharton; is a managing director of one of the world’s foremost consulting companies; and is a recognized expert and frequent speaker on blockchain, fintechs, analytics, banking and capital markets, cybersecurity, and financial services. He’s the real deal.

I rarely speak out, but must this year. Let’s not screw this one up. If you believe in the importance of integrity and transparency (think consent agenda, Bell Works, turf field), and if you want elected officials who encourage resident feedback and input (remember resident advisory committees?), the choice this year is really, really easy. Please join me in voting for Cathy and Prakash. Let’s have a fresh start.

Michael Timko