Edison Arts Society Gallery features creative works of nearly 30 artists with disabilities

The artistic works of multi-talented people with disabilities – “Our Perspective Art Exhibit II” – will be showcased during October at the Edison Arts Society (EAS) Gallery at Town Hall, 100 Municipal Blvd., Edison.

The exhibit was unveiled at 7 p.m. on Oct. 7. For a second year, EAS President Gloria Dittman gathered the creative works of nearly 30 artists with disabilities from the Middlesex County area for a mixed-media presentation of oil, acrylic and watercolor paintings, pencil sketches, photography and sculptures.

The latest presentation – “Our Perspective Art Exhibit II” – will remain on display in Town Hall’s third-floor gallery until Oct. 30. The municipal building and its gallery are accessible to people with disabilities.

During the unveiling, John P. Stevens High School student Vincent Chen, a keyboard musician with disabilities, performed, and Edison poet Joe Kelly read from his works.

The exhibit also includes creations by artists with disabilities from the New Jersey Institute for Disabilities, Edison Public Schools, Triple C Housing, and the Middlesex County ARC.

For more information, contact Dittman at 732-548-9134 or [email protected].