Letter to the Editor: Elect Gregory Gillette to the Hillsborough Board of Education

To the Editor,

In a few weeks, Hillsborough and Millstone voters will go to the polls to elect school board members to new three-year terms. It has been my honor to represent the residents of Hillsborough and Millstone these past several years and I humbly ask for your vote again on Nov. 5.

There is no candidate running who has more experience and is otherwise better-equipped to handle the challenges of our school district – especially the ones that have arisen over the past two years. I pledge to serve, as I have always served, with honor and integrity.

I have always been committed to you, my fellow residents, and volunteer for this task for no other reason than to give back to the community that I have called home for the past 26 years and that has been such a great place to raise my family.

Please visit my Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/GilletteForSchoolBoard, where you can find out more about me, find links to the various candidate profiles I have completed and learn my personal opinion as a board member on various school issues. I also invite you to email any time at [email protected].

Gregory Gillette