Longtime community volunteers honored during North Brunswick anniversary gala

NORTH BRUNSWICK – The Township of North Brunswick celebrated its 240th anniversary by honoring a group of longtime community volunteers for their distinguished service to residents.

The North Brunswick Historical Society holds an anniversary gala every five years; the fourth Community Gala was held on Oct. 18 at the Heldrich in New Brunswick, paying tribute to Jocelyn Caffrey, Joseph “Pete” Clark, Thelma Comparato, James Grieco, the Rev. Mark McGrath and Evelyn Smirnow.

“All of our honorees tonight have shaped our community with their collective talents,” said Michael Hritz, president of the North Brunswick Historical Society and co-chair of the gala.

Smirnow is the co-founder of Care to Walk, which for 20 years has raised more than $300,000 for local cancer research, support and education. A nearly 40-year resident, she has been a school volunteer and class parent, a member of the Heritage Day Committee, and a member and president of the Independent Legions of Immigrant Philippine-Americans in the North Americas.

“She is dynamic, energetic and engaging,” Hritz said during her introduction.

Hritz mentioned how in 2001 Smirnow, said, “When tragedy strikes, it is hard to think of it as a potential gift, but in my case it turned out that way.” And she later said, “I believe we are doing something good for the community. The No. 1 cure is early detection and that is the message we are trying to send.”

Hritz said Smirnow’s goal is to hang a going out of business sign for cancer.

“Thank you to North Brunswick for this wonderful honor,” Smirnow said.

McGrath is part of the leadership team of Point Community Church in North Brunswick. He has been the chairman of the North Brunswick Housing Corporation for more than 30 years, leading the board that manages the Paul J. Matacera Senior Apartments. His public service includes more than 10 years as the chairman of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, a member of the Sept. 11 Memorial Committee, and many years of service here and abroad for Habitat for Humanity.

“He performs his work with authority and is a sound and sought-after speaker,” Liguori said, noting McGrath speaks softly while serving loudly.

“It’s always dangerous to allow a preacher a microphone and a captive audience,” McGrath laughed as he approached the podium.

“North Brunswick, since we moved here, has made it easy to serve, desirable to serve and rewarding to serve,” he said. “Do what is right to other people regardless of the personal cost … and love them when it’s hard.”

Caffrey is being honored in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the North Brunswick Adult Drama Group, of which she has been a member for nearly 40 years. She is also a longtime member of the Heritage Day Committee, a charter member of both the North Brunswick Humane Society and Care to Walk, and along with her late husband, Raymund, long managed American Legion Post 459 and supported countless programs in support of veterans. She is also a longtime volunteer at Saint Peter’s Medical Center.

Jokingly calling Caffrey “a meddling matchmaker,” “a widow” and “a village busybody … who knows all the town gossip,” Hritz said this is especially fitting since she played Yenta in “Fiddler on the Roof,” and has been on stage in virtually every musical the drama group has performed.

“She navigates life with her smile and her good nature,” Hritz said.

Caffrey said she moved to town in 1965, and has five children and 14 grandchildren. She said she caught the acting bug in grammar school, and was mentored by the late Bruce Chandlee as early as 1979 in “The Pajama Game.”

Hritz announced that “Guys and Dolls,” which was the group’s first, 10th and 25th productions, will be repeated for the 50th anniversary in March 2020. As such, the Historical Society will donate $1,000 toward the production of a commemorative video that will chronicle the 50-year history of the drama group that will be shown prior to each performance.

Clark’s long history of public service goes beyond his career in education as a teacher, coach and principal of both Linwood Middle School and North Brunswick Township High School. Since his professional retirement, Clark has devoted his time to Buddy Ball Soccer and Basketball, the Heritage Day Committee, United Way of Central Jersey, North Brunswick Municipal Alliance, the Friends of the North Brunswick Public Library, the North Brunswick Certified Emergency Response Team, the Human Relations Commission, the Cable Advisory Board, the Sept. 11 Committee, Elijah’s Promise, the Ronald McDonald House, Meals on Wheels and several veterans initiatives.

“He is our own educational rockstar,” Liguori said. “He reminds us that we all have a moral obligation to one another.”

Clark said he was touched that Hritz and Richard Liguori, co-chair of the gala and treasurer of the Historical Society, personally told him about his recognition – though he joked that he thought Hritz, who is also the director of Community Development, was coming to tell him he didn’t pay his taxes, and Liguori, a finance manager, was coming to take away his pension.

“I hope in my position as a teacher, a coach and an administrator … I served as a role model within the school community … and the township, working together,” Clark said.

Comparato is the longest serving member of the North Brunswick Woman’s Club, with 53 years of service. She was named to the club’s Honor Roll for her contributions to countless programs and activities, and was chosen as Woman of the Year several times and presented with a wide assortment of recognition certificates and pins. For her work recruiting new members, she was honored by the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs with their highest honor, the Order of the Lily. At their 2017 Installation Dinner, the club saluted her as Woman of the Year for her 50 years of service.

“She is a true woman of North Brunswick,” Hritz said.

“I’ve been here many, many years and I can say I enjoy being a resident,” Comparato said.

Joyce Dreger, president of the North Brunswick Woman’s Club, presented Comparato with a bouquet of roses, which is the club’s flower. Hritz used this to segue into the announcement that the Historical Society will donate $1,000 to create a permanent rose garden in honor of the Woman’s Club at the township municipal building.

Grieco is a 94-year resident of North Brunswick. Born and raised on a small farm on Adams Lane, in the house his father built in 1917, he went on to serve with the U.S. Air Force overseas during World War II. He and his wife, Helen, established their own roots in North Brunswick and he became a founding member of the Adams Athletic Club where he still serves. He was a member of the Pioneer Senior Citizens and served several terms as president. He was also a member and treasurer of North Brunswick Volunteer Fire Co. No. 3 for 10 years, an active member of the Knights of Columbus, and a longstanding Meals on Wheels volunteer. He can be seen at the snack shack at Sabella Park on Sunday afternoons during Pop Warner Indians games.

“We always get the best and most sweet and surprising treat” with Grieco, Liguori said as he likened him to Forrest Gump.

He said Grieco has “a tremendous heart,” especially being from the greatest generation.

“To all the honorees, it is an honor to be amongst you,” Grieco said. “I truly enjoy volunteering for these organizations that are so focused on the North Brunswick community. … When the people of the community are not isolated from others, it is wonderful to witness.”

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Contact Jennifer Amato at [email protected].