Letter to the Editor: Encouraging Princeton voters to turnout for the off-year election

To the Editor,

On Nov. 5, the voters of Princeton will have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote in what has been characterized as an “off-year” election. The very phrase “off-year” has a negative connotation, implying that an off-year election is of lesser importance. Nothing could be further from the truth.

While the democratic party is running excellent candidates who deserve our support for the positions of Mercer County Executive and Mercer County Freeholder, Princeton is located in New Jersey Assembly District 16 where we are represented by Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker and Assemblyman Roy Freiman, both Democrats. Historically, the 16th is a district that had not been represented by Democrats. This was changed by the support, and especially by the turn out of Princeton voters. Only by achieving a large turnout of Democratic voters can we assure the re-election of Andrew Zwicker and Roy Freiman to the New Jersey State Assembly.

The election of two new Councilmembers in this “off year” election on November 5th is of crucial importance to the future of Princeton. In addition to on-going issues such as affordable housing, negotiations for a new voluntary contribution agreement with Princeton University, parking and maintaining a stock of middle income housing, council will also have to deal with a problem that could have long term effects on our central business district. While many of our businesses are already stressed by changing consumer buying habits and increasing rents, the closure of Alexander Road between Route One and Princeton for necessary bridge replacement will create a “perfect traffic storm” that will make it more difficult for people who live west and south of Princeton to come to town to attend events, shop or enjoy a meal.

Both of the democratic candidates for council are well prepared to serve through experience that they have gained by working in a volunteer capacity in our community. However, only Michelle Pirone Lambros has extensive experience as a small business entrepreneur and business owner that positions her well to understand the needs of our business community. Michelle is especially well qualified to work with the business community, and the other stakeholders in the central business district, to help council understand the actions that it can take to lessen the impacts of the bridge closures during the many months that Alexander Road access to Princeton is closed.

Vote in person on Nov. 5, or be sure to return your vote by mail ballot. You’ll find all of the democratic candidates in Column A.  Don’t be deterred by claims that this is an “off-year” election and not important. Key races in this election can be won or lost by voter turnout in Princeton.

Vote democratic and help continue a government that works on behalf of all of us in the New Jersey State Assembly, Mercer County and especially in our hometown, Princeton.

Yours very truly,
Bernard P. Miller