Letter to the Editor: Endorsement for Jess Grillo

To the Editor:

As a resident of Hopewell Borough, I offer my full personal endorsement of Jess Grillo as an important voice that needs to be included on the Hopewell Valley School Board.

Jess represents a new generation of families in Hopewell Borough that are actively investing in our community. Like me, Jess and her young family are committed to making the borough even more vibrant, desirable and a beacon for other young families looking for a special sense of community here in New Jersey. While I believe that experience and longevity does provide a solid foundation for government, one of the nine voices should introduce this contemporary viewpoint, and currently there is no one else running or on the school board who provides such perspective.

Jess appreciates everything the community has to offer but is actively engaging to make it even better. Jess moreover understands the community as she has lived her whole life here in Mercer County, and her husband, Mike, attended Timberlane and Central High. Jess will advocate for Hopewell Borough, offer fresh ideas, and not be a rubber stamp for existing policy and direction. Her professional experience in human resources will ensure more transparency and good relations within the board and to the community at large.

Finally, Jess wants great schools for her kids but is very sensitive about the need for affordable taxes. She has expressed great concern that then School Board imposed the highest tax increase in a decade with Hopewell Borough bearing the largest brunt of it in Hopewell Valley.

Please join me in voting for Jess Grillo as the Hopewell Borough representative for school board.

Christopher Malikschmitt
Hopewell Borough