Letter to the Editor: Fighting the pipeline from here to Kentucky 

To the Editor:
I am very happy to be back in Hopewell Township after a trip to Lexington, Kentucky for the Envision Forum.
This gathering of many top leaders in the energy field gave me an opportunity to take our fight against the PennEast pipeline directly to the very people who want to build pipelines, and those who have the ability to stop them. I explained Hopewell’s position to everyone I met including the Deputy Secretary of Energy, and new nominee for the Secretary role, Dan Brouillette, to the Chairman of FERC, Neil Chattergee, Donald Santa the head of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, and Dena Wiggins of the Natural Gas Supply Association.
Very few of these people ever meet affected landowners. Honestly, I think our issues were not well understood and I enjoyed the opportunity to discuss property rights, eminent domain, and the costs of this project to our community.

I want this community to know that I am not done fighting PennEast. I have cheered the favorable legal rulings that have come over the last few weeks, but am certain that the fight is not yet done. After listening to the discussions this weekend, I know we need to continue to make our voices heard. The pipeline companies see massive dollars at the end of this struggle. We need to stay strong, loud, and focused on the final total rejection of this project. We do not want and do not need this pipeline.

Kristin McLaughlin
Hopewell Township