Jamesburg American Legion celebrates 100th anniversary

JAMESBURG – Jamesburg American Legion Auxiliary Unit 127 treated 14 members of American Legion Star Post 127 to a 100-year celebratory luncheon.

Held at Per Tutti’s restaurant in Jamesburg on Oct. 12, the event included a patriotic opening ceremony; recognition of veterans; and speeches by Star Post 127 Commander Allan Brown and Unit 127 Auxiliary President Theresa Stravic.

Brown recounted the history of the American Legion in Jamesburg, according to information provided by the post. He has done extensive research in preparation for a book he is writing.

Stravic noted the founding principles of the American Legion Auxiliary, according to the statement: “Founded in 1919, the American Legion Auxiliary’s mission is to support the American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad.”

Currently the American Legion Auxiliary funds high school scholarships and sponsors young women from Monroe Township High School to attend Girls State, an educational program that teaches democracy and patriotism through the recreation of local and state government. Unit 127 participates in the adopt-a-veteran program, locally supporting nine veterans who live at the New Jersey State Veterans Memorial Home in Menlo Park. The unit has helped fund the furnishing of veterans’ homes in the state, donated to their various causes, and recreational activities. Members fund these efforts through donations received through distributing Memorial Day poppies.

New members are welcome to join the American Legion. For more information, visit www.legion.org, www.ALAforVeterans.org, www.legion.org/sons or www.legion.org/riders.