Lawrence Township councilman resigns 10 weeks before term end

Lawrence Township Council member David Maffei has resigned, less than 10 weeks before his four-year term would have ended on Dec. 31.

Maffei submitted his letter of resignation to the Lawrence Township Council on Oct. 23, stating that his resignation would take effect on Oct. 24. He had decided, earlier this year, not to seek a third term.

In his letter, Maffei wrote that he “proudly took the oath of office as a member of Lawrence Township Council (in 2012), after living for over 50 years as a resident [in] this enriched community.

“Lawrence Township was a community of integrity and diversity. It is now with genuine regret, that I must tender my resignation from Lawrence Township Council as of Oct. 24,” Maffei wrote.

When reaching out to Maffei, he declined to comment.

Maffei was one of five Democrats on the five-member governing body. It is up to the Lawrence Township Democratic Municipal Committee to submit three names to the Lawrence Township Council as potential replacements for Maffei. The council will vote on a nominee to fill the vacancy.

The Lawrence Township Democratic Municipal Committee will meet on Nov. 6 to begin the process, said Edward Wiznitzer, who chairs the committee. The Committee has until Nov. 8, 15 days after Maffei’s resignation to complete its work.

“We have not solicited names. We have not asked for letters of interest (in serving),” Wiznitzer said.

Instead, the approximately 40 members of the Lawrence Township Democratic Municipal Committee have been asked to submit names for consideration at the Nov. 6 meeting. The goal is to have three names to present to the Lawrence Township Council.

The Lawrence Township Democratic Municipal Committee’s Nov. 6 meeting, which starts at 7 p.m., is open to the public to observe the proceedings. No one other than the committee members may comment or take action, Wiznitzer said.

The meeting will be held at American Legion Post 438 at 1438 Brunswick Ave., near the Brunswick Circle.