Howell council will consider affordable housing ordinances

HOWELL – When the Howell Township Council meets on Nov. 12, its members will consider the adoption of several ordinances that deal with the development of affordable housing in the municipality.

The ordinances were introduced on Oct. 22. Residents will have the opportunity to comment on and to ask questions about the ordinances during the Nov. 12 public hearings.

Affordable housing is defined as housing that is sold or rented at below market rates to individuals and families whose income meets certain guidelines. New Jersey municipalities are under court order to provide opportunities for the development of affordable housing within their borders.

Deputy Mayor Evelyn O’Donnell, Councilman John Bonevich, Councilman Thomas Russo and Councilwoman Pamela Richmond were on the dais at the Oct. 22 council meeting. Mayor Theresa Berger was absent.

One ordinance that was introduced would, if adopted, create a Moderate and Low Income Housing Zone by rezoning the FP Howell LLC property on Fort Plains Road to permit the construction of 227 for sale market rate units and 92 multifamily for sale affordable housing units. Council members voted 4-0 to introduce the ordinance.

A second ordinance that was introduced would, if adopted, create a Moderate and Low Income Housing Zone by rezoning the Zaback property, a 20-acre parcel on Route 9, to permit 252 market rate housing units and 112 family rental affordable housing units. O’Donnell, Richmond and Russo voted “yes” to introduce the ordinance, Bonevich voted “no.”

A third ordinance that was introduced would, if adopted, create a Moderate and Low Income Housing Zone by rezoning a site owned by Tyrpak Road Group LLC. The 237-acre parcel would be bisected by Casino Drive. The zone will permit 325 market rate housing units and 142 family rental affordable housing units. O’Donnell, Richmond and Russo voted “yes” to introduce the ordinance, Bonevich voted “no.”

A fourth ordinance that was introduced would, if adopted, create affordable housing regulations and make changes in the municipal code to allow Howell to comply with the municipality’s affordable housing settlement agreements. Council members voted 4-0 to introduce the ordinance.

In other business on Oct. 22, the council members voted to authorize an agreement between the township and Police Chief Andrew Kudrick that covers the period from July 1, 2019 through July 1, 2024.

O’Donnell, Richmond, Russo and Bonevich voted to authorize the agreement.

Also that night, the council members voted to introduce a salary ordinance for the position of police chief which establishes a salary range for the position. The proposed salary range will be $150,000 to $250,000, effective Jan. 1, 2019.

A public hearing on the salary ordinance has been scheduled for Nov. 12. The council may vote to adopt the ordinance following the public hearing.

Kudrick was named Howell’s police chief in June 2015. He was promoted to chief from the rank of captain and succeeded Police Chief Ronald Carter, who retired.