Letter to the Editor: What it takes and means to be a leader

To the Editor,

As a former member of the United States Air Force, I know what it takes and means to be a leader and to respect others. A true leader is defined by their character, actions and respect to others at all times, not just when called upon.

This past May, while Hillsborough was honoring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice at the annual Memorial Day parade, the democrat for township committee Jeffrey Wright decided it was more important to campaign for office then to show reverence for those who gave their lives for our country.

This disturbed many residents of Hillsborough, not just the veterans. What is more unconscionable is that even when he was asked to remove his signs from the parade route, he and his team refused because it was more important to them to be political then to be leaders.
I am asking all residents to join me in rejecting this sort of behavior and support Mayor Frank DelCore for reelection. DelCore has always showed reverence for our veterans and fallen heroes. He is a constant leader for our community and will continue to do so in the future.

Please vote for DelCore on Nov. 5 and reject the politics we are used to out of Washington.

John Stamler 
United States Air Force