Englishtown council adopts capital improvements ordinance

ENGLISHTOWN – The Englishtown Borough Council has adopted a bond ordinance that will fund capital improvements for the police department and administration.

Following a public hearing, the ordinance was adopted by members of the governing body at a recent meeting.

The ordinance appropriates $110,000 for general capital improvements and authorizes the issuance of $104,500 in bonds or notes to finance part of the costs. The remaining costs will be covered by a down payment of $5,500.

According to the ordinance, the capital improvements are for the Englishtown Police Department and the borough administration. The improvements include, but are not limited to, the acquisition and installation of computer hardware and software, police fingerprinting equipment and system, and Alcotest (breath testing) equipment.

In other business at the meeting, council members authorized services in an amount not to exceed $6,600 from CorrTech of New York. The services are for water tank ROV (remotely operated vehicle) inspections at Hamilton Street and West Dey Street and assessment reports for the Englishtown Water Department.

According to the resolution, all purchases and services over $2,625 must be pre-approved by the council except in the case of imminent emergency situations.