Local municipal election results are in but remain unofficial

Voters in Middletown, Hazlet, Keyport, Holmdel, Matawan and Aberdeen went to the polls on Nov. 5 and elected members of the governing body in their respective municipalities.

The Monmouth County Clerk’s Office has posted results from the election on its website. All of the election results are unofficial and will remain unofficial until a vote counting process that could take more than a week has been completed.

The totals as of Nov. 6 do not include late mail-in ballots and provisional ballots, which are expected to be tallied later this week.


In the race for two three-year terms on the Middletown Township Committee, incumbent Republicans Kevin Settembrino and Rick Hibell appear to have defeated Democrats Jeana Sager and Sean Byrnes. As of Nov. 6, Settembrino (8,055) and Hibell (7,936) led Sager (4,101) and Byrnes (4,819).


In the race for two three-year terms on the Hazlet Township Committee, incumbent Republicans Scott Aagre and Michael Glackin appear to have defeated Democrats Ryan O’Steen and Lucille LoSapio. As of Nov. 6, Aagre (2,148) and Glackin (2,130) led O’Steen (1,573) and LoSapio (1,522).

In the race for a one-year unexpired term, Republican incumbent Michael Sachs appears to have defeated Democrat Barabara Ronchetti. As of Nov. 6, Sachs received 2,104 votes and Ronchetti received 1,639 votes.


In the race for two three-year terms on the Keyport Borough Council, incumbent Democrats Victoria Pacheco and Delia Sosa McDermott appear to have defeated Republicans Elmer Graham Jr. and Daniel Fox. As of Nov. 6, Pacheco (679) and McDermott (652) led Graham (632) and Fox (623).


In the race for two full terms on the Holmdel Township Committee, Democrats Cathy Weber and Prakash Santhana appear to have defeated incumbent republican Eric Hinds and republican Chiung-Yin Cheng Liu. As of Nov. 6, Weber (2,072) and Santhana (1,991) led Hinds (1,953) and Cheng Liu (1,965).


In the race for a four-year term as mayor in Matawan, Democrat Joseph Altomonte appears to have to defeated Republican Linda Clifton. As of Nov. 6, Altomonte received 1,215 votes and Clifton received 975 votes.

In the race for two three-year terms on the Matawan Borough Council,  Democrats Brett Michael Cannon and Brian Livesey appear to have defeated Republicans Anissa Esposito and Zoltan Varsanyi. As of Nov. 6, Cannon  (1,226) and Livesay (1,180) led Esposito (951) and Varsanyi (943).

In the race for one two-year unexpired term, Democrat John Lazar appears to have defeated Republican Laura Selby. As of Nov. 6, Lazar received 1,198 votes and Selby received 964 votes.


In the race for four full terms on the Aberdeen Township Council, Democrats Gregory J. Cannon, Arthur S. Hirsch, Robert L. Swindle and Concetta B. Kelley appear to have defeated republicans Theresa Furmato Velardi, James E. Eccles III, Alicia Botticelli and William Sullivan.

As of Nov. 6, Cannon (1,830), Hirsch (1,852), Swindle (1,824) and Kelley (1,831) led Furmato Velardi (1,476), Eccles (1,466), Botticelli (1,481) and Sullivan (1,451).