Cranbury veterans are receiving recognition from a local organization

Cranbury Township veterans will be receiving a welcome surprise in the mail prior to Veterans Day on Nov. 11.

That surprise is a crafted note from the Woman’s Club of Cranbury, thanking each veteran for their service.

Marna McDermott and Marsha Travis, who are club members, spearheaded this project of thanking veterans currently residing in Cranbury.

“This project started last summer. My dad was in the Air Force [veteran] and a WWII pilot. I just thought this was a lovely project,” McDermott said.

McDermott compiled the list of veterans in town with the help of Cranbury Township Tax Assessor David Levy.

“The list was not very complete, because a lot of veterans did not sign on with that department. A bunch of us made it a little mission to try and find more veterans,” McDermott said. “We have dozens so far, but this is going to be an ongoing project.”

Sue Westerberg is a former veteran and member of the Woman’s Club who brought up the idea of thanking veterans in town. McDermott picked it up from there with the help of Travis.

“I would encourage all people in town, if you are a veteran, to register with David Levy,” McDermott said. “If a veteran in town has not received a ‘thank you’ note from the Woman’s Club and would like to be on our list. They can contact me.”

She said it is important for people the thank veterans in their community.

“I think often people might feel overlooked and we owe so much to our veterans for all the God-given rights that we have in our beautiful corner of the world,” McDermott said. “So many rights we have today would not have been possible if veterans had not given up so much.”

Each card has been mailed out and reads as follows:

“The Woman’s Club of Cranbury wants to thank you and your family for the sacrifices you have made as a member of our military. Your selfless bravery protected our freedoms when we needed you most.

May we never forget that freedom isn’t free.”

McDermott explained that she hopes people take the opportunity to thank those who have served and recognized them in town.

“By helping us find more veterans, we will be able to show them our support. It is nice to acknowledge them and appreciate them,” McDermott said.

McDermott and Travis mailed out the crafted thank you notes on Nov. 6, so they made it to veteran’s homes before Veterans Day.

If you know a veteran or are one who did not receive a note, contact Marna McDermott at [email protected].