Henry will serve third term as mayor of Old Bridge

OLD BRIDGE – Republican Mayor Owen Henry will serve his third term in Old Bridge.

Henry received 6,787 votes/58% in the election on Nov. 5. His challenger, David Merwin, who is currently serving as Ward 1 councilman, received 5,014 votes/42%.

Henry, 59, who is a 58-year resident of the township, said he ran for re-election because he not only loves the town, but “cares deeply for those who live and work” in the township.

He said his goals and objectives remain consistent “complete dedication to the office of mayor, presenting myself and acting on your behalf as a professional.”

“I will continue to address the issues which directly impact the taxpayers of Old Bridge,” he continued. “Sound and sustainable economic growth will allow us the ability to reduce the tax burden on our residents. The focus will be to maintain and improve the services our residents deserve. Old Bridge will be in a position to help its residents as long as the finances of the town are managed with good, sound and conservative principles. By following the road to success my administration has built and implemented, all our residents enjoy a high quality of life here in Old Bridge and a greater opportunity for all to achieve their goals.”

Election results from Nov. 5 are according to the Middlesex County Board of Elections and are unofficial until certified.