
The PennEast Pipeline Company will appeal its court case to the U.S. Supreme Court

The PennEast Pipeline Company has decided to appeal its court case to the U.S. Supreme Court after a federal appeals court denied the company’s request to rehear the its case.

The company’s decision comes in light of the recent ruling this month by Third Circuit Court of Appeals, denying PennEast’s request to rehear a case concerning the condemning of 42 parcels of New Jersey state-owned land for its pipeline project.

The construction of the 116-mile long natural gas pipeline is a $1 billion project from Pennsylvania into New Jersey. The pipeline’s construction would occur in the Hopewell area, while the New Jersey leg of the pipeline accounts for about one-third of the total project.

Company officials said PennEast plans to file with the U.S. Supreme Court by its early February deadline.

“The PennEast partner companies are fully committed to the project and will be seeking review by the U.S. Supreme Court,” said Anthony Cox, chairman of the PennEast Company Board of Managers.  “The third circuit’s decision has implications far beyond the PennEast project. No interstate pipeline nationwide of any significant length can be built without crossing land where a state claims an interest. State governments, just like other landowners, should not be allowed to disrupt or veto vital energy infrastructure that expert federal regulators have found to be in the public interest.”