Letter to the Editor: Taking everyone’s concerns into account

To the Editor,

Thank you to everyone in Hopewell Township who voted in the 2019 general election. Voter turnout was up significantly from the last election without a federal or governor’s race, and it shows that Hopewell residents understand that participating in our democracy is critical.

Thank you to the voters for giving me the opportunity to work for the people of Hopewell Township. In our campaign, Kristin McLaughlin and I focused on meeting with and listening to residents all over our town and I knocked on over 1200 doors this election season because I believe it is imperative to hear residents’ concerns. I am committed to listening and taking everyone’s concerns into account, whether they voted for me or not.

I would like to thank John Hart for his many years of service to our community and Jack Jackowski for being willing to serve. I look forward to working with both as local business owners to make the community we all love even stronger.

I understand that there has been change in Hopewell Township over the years. I want to assure all township residents that I hear them, I will continue to listen to them, and I will fight to keep what we all love about Hopewell — its rural character, open space and close-knit community — while still embracing our future.

I welcome your suggestions at [email protected].

Courtney Peters-Manning
Hopewell Township